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Crusader Kings 2 Siege Cheat Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ What is CelebrityGamerZ? Review
Sep 03, 2020 Crusader Kings 3 features a petty strong game management system, which also includes buildings and realm holdings management. So, to get you all the information on buildings and holdings Crusader. Crusader Kings II Wiki Active Wikis Empire of Sin AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath. Sting card game instructions . Crusader Kings II is changing war claims and siege assaults Best PC games New PC games 2020 Best graphics cards Best free PC games Best Minecraft shaders for 1.16.3 Best Warzone loadouts for Season 5 Reviews News Hardware Features Videos Guides Supporters Only Our game of the month Bestest Bests Latest free PC games Game & hardware deals Early. Oct 15, 2016 There is a mod for the prisoners after a battle (battle captives) but no for after siege. Still anyone know how to mod it?. Steam steamapps common Crusader Kings II common onactions 00onactions.txt. Bugzilla Bug 99484 Crusader Kings 2 - Loading bars, siege bars, morale bars, etc. Do not render correctly Last modified: 2017-03-15 13:33:15 UTC. Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result Cheat Code +5,000 gold cash +5,000 piety piety +5,000 prestige prestige Set character's age age [character id] + or - [number] Set character's diplomacy add_diplomacy [character id] + or - [number] Set character's intrigue add_intrigue [character id] + or - [number] Set character's learning add_learning [character id] + or - [number] Set character's martial add_martial [character id] + or - [number] Set character's stewardship add_stewardship [character id] + or - [number] Allow sending diplomacy that will be rejected neg_diplo AI control observe Change character's culture culture [culture name] Change religion religon [sect name] Kills character kill [character id] Remove arbitrary event 1711 Remove ill event 38283 Togle fog of war fow Unlock extra character info charinfo 1 Give character a claim to selected title claim [title] [character id] Gives title to character give_title [title] [character id] Grants character selected county; use ' titleb_dyn_founding ' character id for patricians give_title c_ [county name] [character id] Grants character selected barony; use ' titleb_dyn_founding ' character id for patricians give_title b_ [barony name] [character id] Grants character selected duchy; use ' titleb_dyn_founding ' character id for patricians give_title d_ [duchy name] [character id] Grants character selected kingdom; use ' titleb_dyn_founding ' character id for patricians give_title k_ [kingdom name] [character id] Grants character selected empire; use ' titleb_dyn_founding ' character id for patricians give_title e_ [empire name] [character id] Impregnate female character by male character pollinate [female character id] [male character id] Initiate mistress event between female courtier and male liege event 450 [female character id] Lovers events; new events initiated every fifth number (64030, 64035, etc.) event 64000 to event 64145 Marry anyone, including close family marry_anyone Set any law with no waiting or vote allow_laws Move selected character to your court; does not work on rulers move [character id] Plots always discovered discover_plots Put prisoner in jailer's dungeon imprison [prisoner character id] [jailer character id] Switch control to indicated character play [character id] 'No help for you!' message help Clear console screen clear Crusader Kings 2 Download Steam achievements
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats. A Pope of My Own: Set up an antipope. All Three Popes: Play a game where there are two simultaneous antipopes. Always Bet On Duke: Work your way up from Count to Duke with a single character. And Stay Out!: Throw the Aztec invaders back into the sea. Black Widow: As a woman, have three different husbands killed. Celebrity: Amass more than 15,000 in prestige. Crusader: Fulfill the goal of a Crusade. Crusader King: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark, hold the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Decadent Warrior: As a Muslim, crush a Decadence revolt. Divine Blood: Achieve a score of 100,000. Dragon Blood: Achieve a score of 50,000. Dream Home: As a Patrician dynasty, build every upgrade for your Family Palace. Dwarf Fortress: Have seven courtiers with the Dwarf trait. Empressive: Play as three consecutive generations of empresses. Exalted Among Men: Fulfill the Become Exalted ambition. Full House: Sire five children. Hard Ruler: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as Harald of Norway, become the King of England. Holy Smoke: Sacrifice another religion's head as a Norse or Aztec pagan. It's Better to be the Emperor: Work your way up from Count to Emperor with a single character. It's Good to be the King: Work your way up from Count to King with a single character. Keeping it in the Family: Sire a child that has the Inbred trait. Khan of Khans: Conquer continental Western Europe as the Mongol Empire, starting in 'The Mongols' bookmark. Kingdom of David: As a Jew, create the Kingdom of Israel. Legacy of Rome: Restore the Roman Empire. Merchant Prince: Amass more than 20,000 in wealth. Mr. Doge-Elect: As a Patrician, win an election and become Doge. New Ways for Old Gods: Reform one of the Pagan religions. On English Neck a Norman Yoke: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as William the Bastard, become the King of England. Paragon of Virtue: Fulfill the Paragon of Virtue ambition. Pentarch: As an Orthodox Christian, hold Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. Persistent Survivor: Play a game all the way through from 867 to 1453. Pilgrim: Go on a Christian Pilgrimage. Prester John: As a Catholic, have a border with Miaphysite Abyssinia. Protector of the Holy Places: Have Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina within your Realm. Royal Blood: Achieve a score of 10,000. Russkaya Pravda: Create the Kingdom of Russia as a Slav. S.P.Q.R.: As the Roman Empire, reclaim the old imperial borders. Saint: Amass more than 10,000 in piety. Survivor: Play a game all the way through from 1066 to 1453. The Black Bishop: Fund an immoral bishop and get him elected Pope. The Caliphate Strikes Back: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as the Abbasid Caliph, become independent and hold an empire title. The Marriage Game: Marry another character. The One Who Brings Benefit: As a Zoroastrian, become the prophesied Saoshyant. The Outside Bet: Starting in the 'Stamford Bridge' bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England. To Mecca!: Go on a Hajj to Mecca. Trade Empire: Your Republic maintains trade posts in 80 provinces. Turbulent Priest: Assassinate a vassal bishop that likes the Pope better than you. United the Kingdoms: Hold the kingdoms of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Until Death Do Us Part: Have your spouse assassinated. Viking Raider: As a Viking, return home with 1,000 worth of loot.
The 1.2 Argent patch is soon released, but until you get home from work/school we thought that you might enjoy a peek at the Patch Notes! We hope that youll have lots of fun with the Ruler Designer and all the other new features. Weve also fixed a whole heap of bugs, of course!
These patch notes clock in at a whopping 2.6 @blackninja9939 in length! One Blackninja should roughly equal one Groogy, for those who are more familiar with the old gold standard.
Now the winter holidays are almost upon us, so Dev Diaries will slow down once again. Well be back next year!
1.2.0 Changelog
Free Features
Added a Ruler Designer where you can customize the ruler youll start with before the game starts. This works with achievements but under certain restrictions.
Added a character Kill List to the character window
Added the functionality to attach your armies to another allied army located in the same province in order to follow the other army
Added a new game rule that controls the AIs willingness to do Matrilineal marriages.
Mercenaries are no longer guaranteed to include cultural men at arms; theyre just likely to
Mercenary companies of cultures that have Camel Riders unlocked will no longer include tons of camels for no reason
Armored horsemen and war elephants can now appear in mercenary bands, but at lower numbers than other men at arms types
Holy Order regiment sizes are now smaller for War Elephants and similar
Holy Orders now consolidate their MaA regiments some rather than having a ton of 100-man MaA regiments
Cats and dogs now live a bit longer, appear slightly less often, and trigger events less frequently
Constructing a brand new Temple now gives your faith some fervor
Economically-inclined AIs now somewhat prefer upgrading Economic buildings
Founding a Holy Order now gives fervor to the affected Faith
GHW: A successful GHW will now reduce the attacking Faiths Fervor by 25 (down from 30), an unsuccessful GHW will only reduce Fervor by 15 (down from 30)
GHW: Invalidated GHWs now reduce Fervor by much less
GHW: The cooldown between Great Holy Wars has been increased to 30 years (up from 5), in practice this means that Fervor for bigger faiths should stay at higher levels for longer
GHW: The minimum fervor for launching a Great Holy War has been lowered to 65 (used to be 75), so that the increased cooldown between GHWs doesnt mean that too few are launched
Successful Holy Wars now affect fervor significantly less (minor Holy Wars reduce by 1, Duchy Holy Wars by 2, Kingdom Holy Wars by 5)
Unsuccessful Holy Wars no longer reduce the attacking Faiths fervor
Halved the impact of Fervor on the speed of the Convert Faith of County councilor task, converting a high-fervor faith as a low-fervor one should no longer be impossible (but still hard, of course!)
Greedy AIs are now less inclined to spend gold on their target during non-hostile schemes
Having a strong hook on your realm priest will now cause them to pay you maximum contribution as if they endorsed you with 100 opinion.
In independence wars, ticking warscore is now given to the revolters if they fully control all the revolters domain, while the defender gets ticking warscore as long as they occupy at least one holding from the revolters domain
Its no longer possible to send your court chaplain, spouse or concubines to a foreign court as a guardian
Its now easier to divorce openly incestuous spouses
Landless religious heads not of your faith will no longer show up in the marriage finder
MaA maintenance cost can no longer go below 10
Made hostility due to conflicting wars a lot broader. Now it applies to defensive wars too, and propagates to vassals. In practice this should mean that youll never be unable to siege a holding in a realm youre at war with due to it being occupied by a third party
Male/Female Only realm law now consistently blocks the other gender from inheriting claims
Only the holder of a holding can cancel construction now. No more canceling your vassals constructions to get money
Peasant/Populist Revolt leaders can no longer marry
The AI should no longer choose to create Cadet Branches should that mean that the players children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren would change house
The AI should now found more Holy Orders
The Arrogant trait now gives -10 Secrecy to owned schemes
The Craven trait now gives +10 Secrecy to owned schemes
The Crusader trait (Warrior of the Faith) now gives less Same Faith opinion and more Prowess
The block on granting de jure vassals independence is now based only on whether their primary title is de jure under a title you hold, rather than *any* title they hold being dejure under a title you hold
Great Holy Wars will now fail to launch if total projected attacker strength is less than 33 of projected defender strength
The defender in an Undirected Great Holy War (Crusade) can now gain up to 150 warscore from battles.
Warscore from battles in Undirected Great Holy Wars (Crusades) has been increased significantly. This should make defending less of a slog, especially in massive crusades (with 100k+ troops on each side) where battles should no longer give miniscule warscore values.
The ticking warscore in Undirected Great Holy Wars (Crusades) has been significantly increased. This allows a defender to more easily win if they manage to keep the entire targeted kingdom free from occupations.
The first army of the siege controller that has a commander now determines the siege commander
The first army to arrive at a siege now controls the siege
Third party occupations are now in the owners favor for the purpose of ticking warscore. So for instance some Peasant Rebels or warring vassals occupying part of the war goal will now no longer mean that you as the defender stop getting ticking warscore against the realm trying to take that land from you
Titles with Male/Female Only/Preference will now get handed out according to Partition if your realm law is Partition and all your Partition Heirs are of the titles preferred gender
You can no longer manually add Gender Law exceptions to your held titles
Updated some scheme events impact on schemes
Vassals will no longer convert their capital when you demand their conversion
Buildings now give modifiers to MaA stats rather than flat mods, this should prevent stat inflation and keep Cultural MaA variants competitive
Wandering characters no longer get absurd stats should they have immense amounts of gold to spend
Wandering characters of the players dynasty no longer spend money on self-improvement, to prevent an exploit where you would load your heir with gold and kick them out of court
When Feudalizing, theres now a random chance for a City and/or a Temple to spawn in each tribal County. Higher development increases this chance.
When you push the claim of a foreign ruler in a claimant faction, they now become a vassal of the former holder of the title if that title becomes their new primary title
You can now arrange marriages for all of your descendants, not only your direct children
Reduced the overall effectiveness of Light Cavalry in the main phase of combat. They were simply too cost-effective for the stats they would bring. Light Cavalry units still excel during the aftermath, as well in their preferred terrain type.
Armored Horsemen now have an added penalty to Toughness and Pursuit in Wetlands like other cavalry units.
Blocked several uncommon situations where successful Populist Factions could seize all of the counties which belong to a vassal player, causing the player to Game Over immediately and without warning
Children can become more inclined to drink later in life if their guardians are a poor influence
Courtiers and guests no longer seek out new lovers when they already have a partner
Did a pass over character weight values and the traits that affects weight gain/loss
Granting a vassal to your liege now creates a two-way truce between you and your former vassal
Improved Mongol Empire disintegration
Increased the County Opinion bonus for putting down a Peasant or Popular Rebellion by 150, and also increased the duration by 150
Increased the penalties to the Seduce schemes success change when the scheme target is married and loves their spouse
Just characters no longer gain Stress when they execute someone if they also have a faith with the Human Sacrifice tenet.
Reduced the amount of levies and taxes gained from Tribal Obligations. Vassals now provides 75 levies (down from 100) and 40 taxes (down from 50) on the highest level of fame.
Reduced the frequency of certain events intended to create friendships, rivalries, disease-outbreaks-by-way-of-corpse etc
Significantly slowed down Fabricate Claim task when targeting vassals
The Embassies perks now has a maximum number of skill points it can give out
The Sound Formation perk now has a maximum number of skill points it can give out
Updated and moved the Gold Mines of Mali special buildings to their respective county capital, allowing them to be built by tribals. Crusader Kings 2 Siege Cheat
AI will now consider breaking up with their AI lovers upon marriage
AI will now abandon sieges that are blocked by a bigger garrison
AI will now not take family members as concubines unless their faith allows for it or under rare circumstances
Gave the AI a few lessons on closely following the players units and promptly joining battles, and that maybe it shouldnt take its toys and go elsewhere just because supply is briefly too low
Informed the AI that it might be a good idea to not count allied vassals or lieges when deciding whether to declare war or not, what with it being impossible to call them into your wars
Naval raiders can now raid along major rivers
Now better at picking tasks around the target province
Rebalanced AI goals. Effectively this should mean the AI is now more willing to feudalize its holdings or make a holy order
Several units can pick the same task as long as they keep under the supply limit
Taught the AI how to better balance its budget. It now distributes its money based on its net income rather than first distributing its income then removing military maintenance from its short-term pool of money. This should result in the AI building more buildings. When military maintenance is higher than income, it will now subtract the deficit from its war chest rather than short-term money
The AI now tries to quickly get a handful of Men at Arms, then afterwards slowly buys more Men at Arms until it feels like it is spending enough on them, rather than just stopping outright when it hits that minimal amount
The AI should be better at recruiting any cultural MaA variants they may have access to, while also recruiting less of the base unit of the same type (e.g. recruiting less Light Footmen if they have a cultural Skirmisher unit).
The AI is now going to prefer upgrading Duchy Buildings in its capital before doing so elsewhere in its domain
The AI is now more inclined to build buildings in its realm capital rather than evenly throughout its domain
To make a holy order it is now enough for the Pope to not simply dislike the AI, rather than needing 60+ opinion. The 60+ opinion requirement still persists for the player since we like to see the player grovel
Told the AI that even though a holding is of the wrong type for it to own, it is a good idea to build it so that it has one of each type in the county and can build the type it *really* wants
Told the AI that when it has multiple possible CB targets within a realm, its probably a good idea to pick the one thats actually bordering it, rather than sometimes picking one thats just bordering the sea
Generally lowered the AI aggressiveness, this means that theyll declare fewer wars overall
Told the AI to get over its phobia of hostile raiders
Player characters now get their weight target checked once a year rather than every three years, which should make things like Lose Weight feel more responsive
Toggling nudity is now a setting rather than a game rule, so you can toggle it on the fly
Reworked the dynasty window to include information about how house and dynasty heads are chosen.
Military strength can now also be seen and compared between house heads in the house list of a dynasty
The dynasty legacy area uses a more compact way to show which legacy tracks you have unlocked, how many steps are unlocked, and which ones youve finished
Reworked battle window for looks and functionality
The Coat of Arms of all human players are now decorated to make them stand out
When raising a rally point thatd result in an army above supply limit, the army will now be raised split into multiple armies and spread out to adjacent provinces. This should make dealing with supply of recently raised armies easier
Added the Grant to Low Noble button to the Title View like we have on the Holding View.
Added warnings when voting for a candidate that is not part of your dynasty.
Added a game concept link to the Special Contract header when modifying a feudal contract
Added a reactive advice for when youve reached the maximum bonus amount that a perk can give
Added a text on the war overview that hostages are going to be released after the war ends
Added an AI acceptance modifier for the different ransom interactions to clarify that they want more gold and wont accept the ransom if it is too small.
Added info to the realm map tooltip about expanding and collapsing realms through ctrl-clicking
Close claimants subwindow only when closing title window allow browsing characters for example
Close title history subwindow when closing title window
ESC now only closes tooltips if youve got at least two tooltips open
Eliminated the map highlighting flickering when hovering over realm coat of arms
Fixed ESC having odd results when youre in a window that can be closed by ESC, and youve got tooltips open. Now itll always cause the tooltips to close (unless youve got only one tooltip open)
Fixed a stray space in the secrecy breakdown
Fixed coat of arms that have changed from their default in some cases persisting in new campaigns or other saves if you go into that other campaign without shutting the whole game down
Fixed cycling through your armies in a province by clicking on the unit icon not working if theres a neutral or allied army in the province as well
Fixed doctrines like Teachings of the Prophet having unnecessary underlining of their name in the faith window
Fixed overlapping siege and battle indicators on map
Civilization vi civilization & scenario pack bundle download for mac. Fixed province icons (including army icons) in some rare cases turning invisible. A small drawback of the fix is that the province icons no longer gradually fade out when you open the ESC menu, but instead disappear instantly
Fixed the on-map scaffolds shown when constructing buildings not being rotated in the same direction as the holding itself
Fixed the war interface claiming youre rank 0 for participation for all non-GHW wars
Improved main menu scaling on wide resolutions
Improved show/hide animation behaviour of sidebar windows
In wars that dont give out prestige or similar to war allies, the UI will no longer claim that you didnt do enough to be rewarded; that UI element will simply not be shown at all
Increased doctrine names space by 1 pixel, so that Fundamentalist doesnt get cut off
Make sure the list of titles is updated when opening the revoke title window while another one is already open
Make sure the raise local raiders can only be clicked when available
No Beard is now the top option in the barbershop
Show why the player cant raise local raiders in the tooltip if the option is greyed out
The call to war button is no longer cut off when involved in multiple wars
The intrigue window is no longer empty when opening from an event
The revoke title window no longer contains the show only recent titles checkbox.
The siege notification now says who is besieging you, and the title states the location so that its visible even when the notification is collapsed
The text area in toasts now provides the full toast text as a tooltip. Especially useful if the effects are too long to fully display
Ugly characters now have significantly more varied looks, and look more believably ugly
When an event kills you, the you have died screen only shows up after you click the event away
You can now set your childrens education before age 6, it just wont have any effect before they turn 6
You now get a notification in the lower-right corner when a part of your realm gets sieged by someone youre hostile to
You now get a toast when you change your primary title
Tribal holdings now look different between the major tribal regions on the map
Added another visual level of tribal walls for the lowest possible fort level
Ugly characters now look more ugly, to a reasonable extent, by distorting specific facial features more than before
Characters young enough to be sitting in the main menu will now sit in front of the others
Christian faiths with Vows of Poverty will now see their priests dress no more fancy than a simple monk or nun
Moved the Norfolk holding to a more accurate position
Reduced the threshold at which a unit gets improved visuals. Now only armies with the lowest Quality will have an unarmored unit, making armored units more common for increased variety.
Added more prominent SFX to the Top-bar notifications for Alerts, Reactive Advice and Diplomatic actions.
Added war-horns SFX to the 100 Warscore notification to increase the noticeability of it.
Fixed so that the hunt event theme SFX only plays during hunts and not during pilgrimages.
Added a title override for the Duchy of Brittany so that it is always known as a Duchy instead of a Petty Kingdom
Added content and fixed tense issues
Added information about student of knighthood traits in the tooltip about Knighthood innovation
Added link to game concept of council tasks in opinion tooltip and monthly piety/prestige overview
Added more information on the different types of allies you can call upon during war time
Changed some tenses from first to third person in interaction file.
Clarified the condition when attempting to usurp a title from someone that considers your faith to be Hostile or Evil.
Fixed a mix-up in the event Information Brokering which could claim that a woman was fathered by her own son, instead of correctly saying that her son was fathered by another man
Fixed assorted localization-issues reported by Betas
Fixed broken localization string about inviting warriors to court
Fixed broken trigger loc in some buildings
Fixed missing loc for the female version of the Royal Cloak
Fixed potential typo in The Spitting Image event
Independent Iranian Dukes now have custom title names based on their capital county
Made sure loc in temptation event is appropriately gendered for translation purposes
Renamed Suomenusko to Ukonusko
Replaced Boima_Konah with Boima Konah
Replaced Ibrahim_Abraham with Ibrahim Abraham
Replaced Jahan_Ara with Jahan Ara
The has_religion trigger now uses adjective-form instead of noun-form for the name of the the religion
Updated Mend the Great Schism text to incorporate all Christian faiths
Updated Spanish name for Wrath of The Northmen bookmark
Updated broke Holy Order tooltip localization for Borrow Gold from Holy Order decision
Updated button text in child naming event
Updated loc as reported by betas and players
Updated scope used for loc on child event
Updated some Spanish locs strings that were using out-of-date game references
Updated the description text for the Clerical Function: Recruitment to be more specific that the modifier is applied to the clergy only
Updated the localization for the Religious Icon perk desc
Updated the unreformed combat advantage tooltip to properly display game concepts.
Game Content
A schemer is no longer safe from discovery until the scheme executes. If a scheme is discovered, theres now an ongoing chance that the schemer will be exposed and the scheme ended!
Added four new murder outcomes
Added 2 more child-murder outcomes, you monsters!
Added the Turumic faith, a new faith to replace Suomenusko in Siberia
Added additional Claim Throne scheme events
Added additional Fabricate Hook scheme events
Added additional Seduction Scheme events
Added two additional game concepts for Hostages and Prisoners of War.
Added two more ongoing murder events
People will now be a bit miffed if you raid them
The Religious Relations task now gives a Same Faith opinion boost in cases where ones faith has layman clergy and no head of faith
Updated Qarmatianisms tenets and doctrines to better match their historical practices
When using Demand Conversion on a vassal ruler, they may now request a favor instead of only accepting cold hard cash
You can now become Infirm
Added Unimportant tag to some Actions to mark them as less interesting to the player
User Modding
When starting the game in debug mode (with the -debug_mode command line argument), the game will watch many loaded files for changes, and reload the relevant parts of the game. This works with core game files as well as files in mods. Note that it is a debug development tool. The reload doesnt work for everything, and might not be 100 reliable or stable. You should always verify that everything still works after a proper restart of the game.
Added a flag entry for flavorization checks to require the context character has a variable/flag of that name set.
Added data function PlaySfxEvent
Added frontend data functions Get(Heir/Main/Secondary)CharacterAge
Added GetCouncilTitleFirstName
Added hired_stack_size setting for MaA types
Added hook_strength_max_opinion parameter for lease contracts.
Added is_council_task_valid trigger, analogous to set_council_task effect
Added list builders *_faith_character, *_faith_ruler, and *_faith_playable_ruler
Added modifier owned_scheme_secrecy_add
Added modifiers ignore_negative_opinion_of_culture = yes and ignore_opinion_of_different_faith = yes. Makes you ignore your opinion of others rather than others ignore their opinion of you
Added more MEN_AT_ARMS_EXPENSE related AI defines
Added scripted rule buildings_enabled
Added set_pregnancy_gender effect to overwrite the gender of an unborn child.
Added support for Custom localization on stories
Added trigger has_holding so you can easily check for empty holdings
Added trigger is_landless_ruler
Added ugliness_portrait_extremity_shift system for more believable ugliness
AI can now parse and evaluate CB effects inside hidden_effect blocks
can_be_exposed_by now returns false if the secrets already been exposed
Fixed some cases where you couldnt inline script math. E.G., in opinion triggers
make_pregnant now checks that the character can actually get pregnant and errors if they cant. Added make_pregnant_no_checks which bypasses these
Mercenary and holy order sizing now uses defines based on of sub-regiments in stead of of men
on_alliance_removed, on_alliance_added, and on_alliance_broken now have an unset root and instead uses scope:first for that character. This avoids issues with triggering events for dead people
Renamed can_call_ally_liege_vassal_check_trigger to can_join_war_liege_vassal_check_trigger
Renamed recipient_not_already_in_another_war_with_any_target_war_participants_trigger to joiner_not_already_in_another_war_with_any_target_war_participants_trigger
set_holding_type now works on empty holdings
Updated color palette comments to correctly reflect the fact that color palette textures are 16-wide, not 4-wide
You can now use attacker/defender_wargoal_percentage of zero to mean at least one occupation
Added a number of additional nicknames to historical characters, such as Yaroslav the Wise or Constantine the Great.
Alexios Komnenos had a very diverse personality for a ten year old. He now starts with less personality traits.
Extended Insularism a little into the Scottish Highlands in 867
Extended the Dutch presence slightly, to include a couple of counties in Flanders and Brabant.
Fixed a number of marriage issues in history. There were multiple cases of characters being married to the same character, or characters having several spouses without practicing a polygamous faith.
Karen is now a vassal to the Tahirid in 867.
Lg dvd ram gh22np20 drivers for mac pro . Made several improvements to the setup in Denmark, 1066. Two historically important characters are now landed; Asbjrn Jarl Ulfson (brother of king Svend) has been given the county of Lolland-Falster, while Thrugot Ulfsen has been given the duchy of Jylland, making both characters playable. Meanwhile, the county of Skne is now in the hands of Bishop Egino of Lund, to better simulate the importance of the church.
Renamed various titles to more closely match history
Roger de Hainaut is now a Theocratic vassal and Prince-Bishops of Chalons in 1066.
The Cucumber King is no longer unintentionally a kinslayer, due to a wrongly assigned father.
Fix more cases of various war and realm borders that remain forever on the map after big inheritance or ended wars
Coastal Borders now properly works with dynamic option, and always show/hide no longer requires game restart
A guardians personality will now have a larger impact on the wards personality
Accepted marriage will now always lead to a friendly greeting
Fixed events that were causing married characters to become lovers with another character even when they should have been loyal to their spouse
Added a modifier that reduces the risk of AI spouses taking a players potential heir as their concubine
Added a perspective to the warning about a character being a pledged attacker in a GHW
Added a recently converted trigger so that less flip-flopping happens in heresy events
Added a toast for if you granting titles leads to your vassal becoming a fellow vassal of your liege
Added a trigger to a befriending event, making sure that the target isnt picked as the third person in the event
Added age trigger for becoming a drunkard event
Added an OR to university-check trigger
Added clearer loc for if your wife is employed by your liege
Added custom warning for Christians trying to create the Empire of Germania
Added information in tenet tooltip on the conversion speed penalty for Syncretic Folk Traditions
Added missing title to message about obtaining witch secret
Added notification if a courtier is invited to another court
Added the title on some outcome toasts when seducing a target
Added two church holdings to Iceland in 1066 and made sure both rulers are tribal
AI characters will no longer be able to join GHWs against their liege
ALL vassals will now get new shiny buildings if you adopt feudalism
Allied provinces have the same supply limit rules as your own
Allies can no longer be considered hostile due to raid mechanics
Armies that should get wiped are now properly so after combat
As a host you will now be told if someone fails to seduce a guest
Characters are no longer angry at their new friends
Characters can no longer invite the bishops of foreign realms to give up all of their temporal power and holdings in order to join them as a lowly courtier instead
Charlemagne is now lustful the dude sure got around
Claimant factions are now more cautious about sending demands when the claimant is in prison
Cleaned up building requirement tooltip for Universities
Cleaned up effects and loc in rivalry event
Cleaned up how concubines/consorts are shown in the arrange marriage interaction
Cleaned up Roman restoration decision
Cleaned up tooltip for blocked Modify Vassal Contract interaction
Clear the alerts when entering the observer mode, so they dont persist when selecting another character later
Compassionate character are now told that blackmailing people is stressful
Control-clicking titles in the Grant Title Window will no longer select invalid titles and lock up the rest of the titles
Councilors will now wear armor when leading armies
Counties can only join claimant factions for titles in their de jure hierarchy, and are less likely to join factions for foreign claimants
Discovering a Non-Believer secret now gives a strong hook on clergy
Duchy buildings and similar that give fort level now only give it to holdings that have fort level to begin with; no more having to siege down temples and such
Eastern Christian denominations now wear more appropriate clerical garb
Elective titles with male/female only law will now properly exclude the other sex
Electors now correctly evaluate how scared they are of their lieges Dread when casting votes, rather than how scared their own vassals are of them
Establish Bactrian Supremacy decision will no longer display for invalid government forms
Excommunicated characters can no longer become Pope, Court Chaplains, or inherit the role of being Spiritual Heads
Executing an independent ruler will no longer give them an opinion penalty towards you since, you know, theyll be dead.
Factions will no longer count on the support of their liege when deciding if they should send an ultimatum or not
Fix an issue on Linux that could cause stutters every few seconds by disabling gamepad polling. Gamepad polling for debug purposes can now be enabled by passing in the command line flag -handle_controller_input
Fixed years of fertility not actually making women fertile for longer
Fixed a bug that caused Irish characters to be able to Revoke False Conversion when starting a game with the tutorial enabled
Fixed a bug that caused rulers to pay substantially less gold than they should for the ransom of a prisoner whose captor has the Golden Obligations perk
Fixed a childs favorite toy crashing the entire game
Fixed a crash when loading a save game that included pet whose name contained a space
Fixed a few instances of the player getting friend/rival relations set without them knowing of it
Fixed a number of cases where the domain or vassal limit could fail to update, leaving you for example with a domain limit of 1 instead of 5 until something caused it to recalculate. Fixes old saves too
Fixed a rare crash that could happen when wars become invalidated
Fixed a rare crash caused by very specific timing of game updates
Fixed being able to Offer To Join War for some unintended wars, causing invalidation of other wars
Fixed broken scope in Accuse of Heresy Decision event
Fixed broken tooltip in hunt event
Fixed Clan Invasion wars sometimes invalidation when they shouldnt
Fixed confused toast message when a Claim Throne scheme succeeds
Fixed Designated Heirs completely breaking Seniority succession. Now it makes your Designated Heir first in line as you would expect
Fixed electors sometimes believing that a lower-tier candidate would rule from abroad
Fixed holdings not going out of the domain limit grace limit when leased out
Fixed holy orders being unable to hold cities
Fixed Holy Orders not expanding their diplomatic range based on their leased titles. This could lead to them being out of range of the person theyre leasing from
Fixed incorrect text coloring for some Holy Order troops
Fixed invalid sieges in some cases continuing to completion
Fixed it being possible in some cases to marry someone youre already married to
Fixed it being possible to siege holdings that youre hostile to (due to a liege war or conflicting war). Now you can only siege hostile *occupations* or for wars youre actually personally involved in
Fixed it in rare cases being possible for one or more units to be left out of a combat due to both sides arriving at the exact same time
Fixed it in some cases being impossible to retake an occupied holding due to it no longer having a fort. Now when a fort goes away we ensure that the holding gets occupied by the county controller. This fixes the issue in old saves as well
Fixed it in some cases being impossible to siege vassals of your war enemy due to your war enemy being the vassal of someone youre allied with in another war
Fixed it in some cases being possible to end up with Head of Faith Law despite not even being the head of faith. This would cause you to game over as you end up with no heirs
Fixed not being able to disinherit your own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren if they werent at court
Fixed old saves where someones the parent of someone who no longer exists (due to incorrectly having been pruned from the game) crashing on load
Fixed several issues with the description of the suspected bastardy Secret in Intrigue view
Fixed so that holding tooltips show holding type concept instead of just name
Fixed some crashes that could happen while loading saves or viewing the save list
Fixed some traits not being assigned to a category
Fixed special buildings sometimes appearing in regular building slots when you convert from Tribal. This could even lead to duplicates of these special buildings
Fixed the first level of Hunting Grounds not having any levies
Fixed the forming of Austria event to not feature the HRE twice
Fixed the game in rare cases completely erasing members of your family from existence after their death. Look, we all hated uncle Bob, but we cant just pretend he never existed
Fixed the inverted liege culture for the Hungarian migration decision
Fixed the rulers of cities sometimes ending up with Clan government rather than Republic government
Fixed the trigger for showing an alternative text in an befriend scheme event
Fixed the vassal limit not updating when vassals are transferred as a result of their liege title changing holder
Fixed the vassal limit sometimes resetting to 1 for a single day
Fixed three achievements that would unlock even when they werent playing with the required character for the achievement, as long as they didnt reload the game
Fixed Tribal Law in some cases not disappearing when you become Feudal
Fixed typo in battle tutorial
Fixed wars not always transferring when the war target becomes the vassal of someone else. This could lead to weirdness like a war targeting someones vassal despite the attacker having the same liege as the defenders liege; would now transfer to the defenders liege instead
Former Heads of Faith now keep their clothes on, presuming they held the HoF title at the time of their death
Franconian culture now uses German names
Friendly counsel now has a cap of how many stat bonuses the perk can give (5)
Game rules and ironman mode are now reset when starting the game as a tutorial game.
Golden Obligations no longer increases ransom prices
Good things now happen to good chancellors
Guardians will now properly return to where they came from if their ward finishes their education or dies
Head of Faith will now wish you luck in your holy wars no matter what size they are
Heads of Faith will no longer grant requests for claims on theocratic lessees
Holy order succession now checks if the character is a member of your court correctly
If you convert to feudalism ALL your vassals will now jump on the hype-train
If you demand someones conversion multiple times they will now keep their anger to one opinion modifier
If you try to make too many children your wards youll now be told off in a strongly worded letter
If youre trying to blackmail someone over something that, according to them, isnt shunned or criminal you will now be told that properly
Intelligent women no longer confront their pregnant lesbian lover to ask if they are the father of that child. Stupid women however, still have a chance to ask that question.
It is now criminal to refuse conversion even if the religions arent the same
Knights in an army should now also gain the Crusader trait (Warrior of the Faith)
Made sure bully event has complete loc
Made sure Liberty Wars arent immediately followed by more factions
Made sure spouse event saves agent scope properly
Made sure the refund you get if a character refuses to take the vows is the same amount of piety you spent asking them
Made sure the warnings displayed when asking someone to join a Holy Order are correct
Make sure that holdings no longer have a count of 0 and instead have a minimum of 1
Make sure that the save name overwrite dialog box shows up regardless of case sensitivity
Make sure that tooltip delay timer option works correctly
Make sure the call to war window in the observer mode doesnt require user input and doesnt pause the game
Mercenaries and holy orders are now correctly counted when calculating max military strength
Obfuscating a learning challenge outcome since the learning skill might be different than whats shown in the tooltip if they gain learning+1 before the learning challenge
Offering Guardianship to an underage ruler will now pre-fill them as the ward
Offering vassalization to neighboring realms will no longer sometimes claim that they are far from your realm
Peasant Leaders now wear appropriately filthy clothing while they are leading a revolt, or are landless
People are no longer scared of you if you fail to imprison someone
People will no longer be less keen on marrying into your family if you have useless alliances
Performing executions when you have the Human Sacrifice tenet will now have the victims death reason say that they were sacrificed, rather than just executed.
Physicians can now treat themselves, and theyre also more likely to mess up your treatment if theyre trying to murder you
Playing as Daurama and embracing your son as your heir will now move him to your court
Previously discovered Innovations are now carried over when a character takes the Form Portugal decision and becomes Portuguese
Raiders should no longer appear in provinces outside of their range
Removed attempted use of non-existent game concept from loc
Removed outcome events for Convert Faith and Promote Culture council tasks since you also get notifications
Removed the 3 day delay on executing the abduction scheme
Removed unnecessary spacing in Hunt decision and cleaned up the loc file
Removed unnecessary triggered event from imprisonment logic that was causing errors in the error log
Removing the same dynasty requirement from elective succession close and extended family members.
Resolved a logical mismatch that caused the game to simultaneously recommend and forbid revoking a title from allied vassals
Robert I of France now correctly belongs to House Robertine instead of House Capet
Ruler now gets notified when they receive an unpressed claim as a result of a foreign chancellors blunder
Scheme event now shows the name of the spy in toast instead of nothing (or the targets name in German)
Someone else imprisoning people fairly will no longer make you relieved about not gaining tyranny yourself
Spouses and lovers will only act as your wingman if theyre ok with you bedding someone else
Subtle Desire perk now correctly removes the penalty applied against seducing the spouse of someone of a higher rank
The Murderer at court story cycle will now end if you send the courtier responsible away
The Few Spouses warning will now only appear if youre lacking spouses for your tier
The AI will now dump all of their lovers that are far far away when they marry
The Amnesty for False Conversions decision now gives correct tooltip about dread requirements
The amount one gets from demanding payment is capped to 50 gold or based on how much ransom worth they have if less than 50 gold
The cost for legitimizing a bastard in your dynasty is now collected in the right place
The disembarked penalty is correctly applied and carried over when splitting an army or merging them
The Earl of Desmond will now slip your net and avoid capture in combat during the tutorial
The Greenhouse and Sicilian Parliament now gives tax as they should
The Matrilineal Checkbox will now default to the correct state based on the character being married off when playing an equal faith
The outliner will now be properly hidden when selecting a councillor task
The realm youre in will no longer be described as a faraway place in pilgrimage event
The retracting vassals interaction now gives tyranny if declined
The University can now be founded in Fes, the Almohadi Holy Site was moved to the neighboring barony as to not cause conflicts
The Vassalization and Subjugation CBs are now properly usable by non-independent players
Trying to divorce your House head no longer confuses your House Head as much
Uniting the West Slav Kingdoms as an Empire now drifts the kingdoms to your primary title
Unjustified imprisonment now results in tyranny even if the imprisonment is declined
Unlanded characters blocked from trying to raid
Unlocked the Inspire Opus Francigenum decision for Frankish cultures as well
Updated a bubonic event to not show the court physician twice
Updated Jarl Haesteinns age in the bookmarks to match the one in-game
Updated personality and treason modifiers for characters accepting imprisonment
Updated portrait position of vassal in a hunt event to be in the lower_right if they are not participating in the hunt but can receive a trophy gift
Updated Slavia region borders. Added West Slavia and South Slavia as custom regions.
Updated some event-backgrounds to be more appropriate
Updated the Druze marriage doctrine from polygamous to monogamous
Updated the Norman Yoke achievement so that it can be unlocked by descendants of William as well
Visual traits like Blind or Disfigured now show up on children
Wards and Guardians should now move in a way that makes sense, and properly go home if things doesnt work out
When Asking a Spiritual HoF for Gold, they will now factor ongoing County-level and Kingdom-level Holy Wars into their considerations (instead of only Duchy-level Holy Wars)
When you attempt to ransom yourself for whatever gold you have (but is unable to pay the full amount) the AI will now agree if you have at least half of the necessary gold, as long as the AI isnt too greedy and want all of it.
When you embrace english culture all your vassals will now join in on the hug
Whether you can imprison a vassal that refuses conversion or not is now made clearer in the interaction
While considering whether to become your vassal or not characters will now consider their distance to you, not your liege
Yemeni now uses East African ethnicity
Your bastards will no longer sneak out of your court
You can no longer convince the Grandmaster of a Holy Order to convert
You can no longer declare war when youre behind bars
You can no longer mistake your infant child for a serial killer
You can no longer promise a Holy Order some land and then NOT give it after they give you cash for it
You can no longer see two versions of your bored daughter sitting under a pavilion
You can no longer take your daughter as concubine, unless your faith is cool with it of course
You can now denounce and disinherit dynasty members that are not of your faith
You can now hire a physician even if you have the black death
You can now legitimize bastards of your house as the dynasty head
You can now name children born in your court that are of your dynasty
You can now try to convert people to witchcraft even if theyre not of your faith
You cannot confide in friends you do not have
You no longer have to have negative learning to condemn your vassals sins
You now have to actively scheme to convert someone to witchcraft to discover that theyre already a witch
You now make sure that you CAN spy on your spouse before you do
You will no longer be able to randomly lose a level of devotion if youre a religious head
You will no longer be advised to Grant Titles to dead characters
You will no longer be told about your bishop breaking their betrothal
You will no longer be urged to imprison a vassals random courtier
You will no longer call people vile as a friendly greeting
You will no longer refer to yourself as your wifes ex-husband if you marry her when shes your concubine
You will no longer revert to confederate partition succession if you have primogeniture when you reform the Roman Empire
You will no longer switch to the Reichskrone if Byzantium is your main title
You will no longer think of your angry spouse as your vassal
You will now be told clearly that you will gain no tyranny from executing a starving man
You will now be told if a secret youre using for blackmail is exposed
You will now be told in very clear words what will happen if you try to imprison the Pope
You will now get more feedback and faster results when trying to gain/lose weight
You will now only get an op. boost of Order Members and Crusaders if youre of the same faith
Youre no longer advised to increase control in a county your marshal is already working on
Your court physician will now actually get some gold for taking up the knife
Your friend will no longer support your scheme to claim their throne
Your gender succession law no longer gets reset when converting from one gender-equal faith to a different gender-equal faith
Your once upon a time bastard child will no longer be a bastard if they convert to your faith that doesnt believe in them
Your overly talkative agents arms will no longer clip through their clothes
Your portrait will now only show once even if you ransom yourself from prison
Your soulmate will no longer be peeved about you sleeping around if you have the polyamory tenet
Your spymaster will no longer fabricate a secret about themselves
Your vassals will no longer be less likely to accept a marriage because you have too many alliances already
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